
According to two surveys (2012 and 2019) carried out under 140.000(!) people in the EU by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), “discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics is widespread in many areas of life. More than a third (37 %) of respondents felt discriminated against in areas of life other than work. People experience discrimination at school, when looking for housing, when accessing healthcare or social services, as well as in shops, at cafés, restaurants, bars, or nightclubs. The rates are highest for trans (55 %) and intersex (59 %) respondents. Among the different areas of life asked about, other than work, the highest share of respondents (22 %) felt discriminated against in a café, restaurant, bar or nightclub” (FRA 2020, p.22). These all are areas where people meet all different kinds of other people – it is building up a cross section of the society.
FRA furthermore points out that within the framework of programmes such as Erasmus+, measures should be undertaken that encourage schools and teachers to provide a safe environment for all students (pupils as well as grown-ups). This includes the sensitisation for LGBTIQ affairs, and could be accomplished through peer learning among education professionals, including sharing educational good practices, to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying. Not at least, it is written down in international human rights law that “states should undertake educational and awareness-raising programmes aimed at promoting and enhancing all human rights by all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; and take all appropriate action, including education and training programmes, with a view to eliminating prejudicial or discriminatory attitudes or behaviours”. (FRA 2020, p.19)

Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2020): A Long way to go for LGBTIQ equality